近来听说9月广本就要推出新雅阁,而且是最新的八代!还在海外路试的车就能国产了(好多已上市的都不知道猴年马月能引入呢)?疑问是大大的,既然这么热门,还是去了解一下吧。直接上最熟悉的Autoblog,发现在5月11日他们就拿到了八代雅阁的谍照,并对新雅阁做了一番评论。//by http://CiDu.Net/
The Accord is certainly one of Honda's most important products, and we can see from these shots that the sedan will look similar but not identical to the Accord coupe that was unveiled as a concept last January in Detroit and has already been spotted out in the wild. 雅阁绝对是本田的当家花旦,从这张谍照我们也看出来了,房车款的八代跟1月底特律车展亮相的Accord coupe还是很像的(但不完全一样)。//by http://CiDu.Net/
Brenda Priddy & Co. notes the sedan is lacking the honeycomb grille from the coupe and certain lines of the body are different. (谍照来自Brenda Priddy & Co,似乎很有名的说)可以看到房车没有用上那部概念车的蜂窝型进气隔栅,车体的特征线条也有点不一样。//by http://CiDu.Net/
In our estimation, it's a fairly vanilla design, which is in keeping with this car's purpose of appealing to the largest demographic possible in the midsize sedan segment. 我们认为这是一个很纯粹的设计(老实说,俺实在不知道vanilla design香草设计是啥意思),清楚地表明本田有意把这款车打造成有史以来尺寸最大的中级房车。//by http://CiDu.Net/
由于这次拍到的是4缸的基本型,所以最后老美还念念不忘他们钟爱的大排量,说如果有3.5升的V6配置就好了,那玩意儿能爆发至少279匹马力。Autoblog还进一步爆料,九、十月间八代就会投产,并很快上市。//by http://CiDu.Net/
Painted in a deep (and dirty) black sporting alloy wheels that Temple of VTEC believes emulate the BMW 5-Series, this Accord EX is a more interesting sight to behold than its base model brother that was wearing a dull silver paint. 黑色漆的EX好脏哦,运动感的合金轮毂貌似仿效宝马3系的(Temple of VTEC没听过,应该是个VTEC铁杆建的论坛吧)。这款雅阁EX比他的银色涂装基本型兄弟有看头多了。//by http://CiDu.Net/
It appears that despite being an EX model, however, this particular mule is also a four-cylinder model since it's only sporting one tailpipe out back. 虽然外表看起来是个EX旗舰,但只有一根尾管,还是暴露出他搭载了四缸引擎的真面目。//by http://CiDu.Net/
到6月1日,他们就发布了V6旗舰型的谍照,儿童节算是没白过。//by http://CiDu.Net/
The latest Accord to be caught by this ace spy photographer is apparently the 2008 Honda Accord V6. Note the dual rear exhausts when you click through to see the full-size pics at Straightline. 这是搭载V6的新雅阁,注意他的两根尾排管。//by http://CiDu.Net/
Slightly different 7-spoke wheels and a sunroof are the only apparent changes besides the dual pipes out back. 和之前的基本型相比,V6旗舰又有了点小变化,除了多了一个排气管之外,还用上了七辐式轮圈和天窗。//by http://CiDu.Net/
Not meant to set the design world atwitter, the new Accord is inoffensive if not handsome. 所谓众口难调,新雅阁就算不靓仔,也不难看嘛。//by http://CiDu.Net/
到6月26日就被他们找到了高清晰无伪装的路试照片。很不幸的,这组照片在国内已经泛滥了,感谢“转载”流行的国内网站。 As you can see by looking at the coupe , it's basically a dead ringer for the concept car Honda trotted out in Detroit, only the production version's got a nicer-looking lower front fascia. 这次曝光的除了房车外还有Coupe,这Coupe与底特律车展的那部概念车长相酷似,只是量产车的前端下进气口更漂亮些。//by http://CiDu.Net/
Around back, the concept's through-the-bumper exhaust has been replaced by a conventional setup. 来到车尾,概念车包在保杠里的排气口换成了传统的式样。//by http://CiDu.Net/
The sedan also receives the new face and its profile is now graced with a BMW-esque kink in its C-pillar.
房车也旧貌换新颜,宝马式的C柱肌肉带给他优雅的侧面形状。//by http://CiDu.Net/
总体上,Autoblog的小编觉得新雅阁会是有史以来尺寸最大的,几乎突破中级车的极限。由于吸收了一些宝马的外形优点,感觉很有运动感。//by http://CiDu.Net/
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