文件遍历排序函数 |
作者:不详 文章来源:不详 更新时间:2003-12-8 2:32:12 |
function bianli(path)
'initiate path = server.mappath(path) set fso=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") set objFolder=fso.GetFolder(path) set objfiles = objfolder.files
'把文件名及文件路经存入theFiles数组 int slot = 0 Dim theFiles() redim theFiles(50) for each objFile in objFiles filename = objFile.name filePath = split(objFile.path,"docs\") thepath1 = "./docs/" thepath = thepath1 & filepath(1) theFiles(slot) = filename&"**"&thepath slot = slot + 1 if slot > UBound(theFiles) then ReDim Preserve theFiles(Slot+20) end if next ReDim Preserve theFiles(slot)
'冒泡排序 for i = 0 to UBound(theFiles)-2 for j = i+1 to UBound(theFiles)-1 if strComp(theFiles(i),theFiles(j)) = 1 then tmp = theFiles(i) theFiles(i) = theFiles(j) theFiles(j) = tmp end if next next
'输出 for i = 0 to UBound(theFiles)-1 para = theFiles(i) filename = split(para,"**",-1,1)(0) filepath = split(para,"**",-1,1)(1) %> <p align = "left"> ---<img src='../../images/arrow_orange.gif' width='14' height='11'> <a href='<%=filepath%>'><span class="activelink_yellow"><%=filename%></span></a> </p> <% next end function %>
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资讯录入:ahui 责任编辑:ahui |
上一篇资讯: 查看ASP源代码的方法
下一篇资讯: 用ADODB.Stream代替FSO读取文本文件 |
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